書名 JAVA Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 3/e

介紹 JAVA Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 3/e

  Designed for beginning programming students, this book will motivate and excite while teaching fundamental programming concepts. Based on years of classroom testing, Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Third Edition approaches programming with a focus on clear explanations and practice, two critical factors in mastering the Java language. Straightforward language is used to explain the reasoning behind each new concept, and numerous examples and exercises allow readers to practice solving problems and writing code. This new edition is fully compliant with Java 6.0, and includes updated programming exercises and programs.

  Designed for beginning programming students, this book will motivate and excite while teaching fundamental programming concepts. Based on years of classroom testing, Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Third Edition approaches programming with a focus on clear explanations and practice, two critical factors in mastering the Java language. Straightforward language is used to explain the reasoning behind each new concept, and numerous examples and exercises allow readers to practice solving problems and writing code. This new edition is fully compliant with Java 6.0, and includes updated programming exercises and programs.


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JAVA Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 3/e



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